
Arhatic Yoga Review and Practice

with Michael and Natalie Borokhovsky

Michael and Natalie Borokhovsky have been taught Arhatic Yoga by Master Choa Kok Sui in-person and have been actively practicing it for over two decades now. As a family, they have over 50 years of combined experience in Arhatic Yoga. To the attendees of these sessions they are offering a unique perspective on the benefits, pitfalls, common mistakes, do's and dont's of the Arhatic Yoga practice. They will monitor you performing techniques and exercises, provide feedback and recommendations. In a small group and informal conversation, every practitioner has a chance to ask any question and discuss any concern.
  • Review the Master Choa Kok Sui teachings of Arhatic Yoga.
  • Practice purification, meditation and all other arhatic pillars. 
  • Have a straight talk and exchange valuable insights with the long-time Master Choa Kok Sui's yogis.


Audience: ONLY FOR ARHATIC YOGA GRADUATES. Preparatory and Higher Levels.
Fee: Love donation appreciated.
These sessions are NOT available via video stream. Only in person.
Please call, text 856-905-9119 or e-mail to RSVP.
Recieve address and directions

Origins of Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga

Spiritual growth is faster in a group. Take part in a group practice and studies