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it works
The client lies down in normal clothes. Clean consecrated crystals are placed on and around the body. Experienced
Certified Pranic Healer programs each of 10 to 15 crystals, monitors and validates their work and healing progress. The average session is 30 minutes long. Healing
use only highest quality Brazilian clear quartz crystals specifically selected and designed by GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui,
the Founder of Pranic Healing. Their shape, size and proportions engineered to safely extract and project energy. All crystals
kept clean physically and energetically to avoid contamination. They are maintaned, charged, programmed and consecrated by
a qualified experienced pranic crystal healer, disciple of GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui. Benefits: - rapid rejuvenation of the whole body
- etheric detoxification
- stress
relief and relaxation
- pain relief
- mental re-charging
- chakras cleansing and energizing - all 11 major chakras
- preventive maintenance
- affordable alternative or addition to full pranic healing session
The price is $100 per session or $400 for 5 sessions.
(856) 905-9119
Warnings: The following individuals are not accepted
for this pranic crystal healing session: - pregnant women
- clients with high blood pressure and heart problems,
- clients with tumor, cancer, leukemia
- children under 16
- adults over 65
\ I enjoyed the session very much! As soon as Natalie placed the first
crystal near my crown I could feel the energy of the crystal! It only took a few minutes to feel myself becoming less stressed
and less dense. I observed my thoughts float by and after a while it felt like I was leaving my body. (Easy when you’re
not weighed down with heavy energy!) At the end of the session I felt very energetically "clean", balanced,
and grounded. I would definitely have another session! C.S. Philadelphia, PA 4/27/10
Copyright 2006,
Golden Light LLC Cherry Hill,
NJ 08003 856-905-9119